- Advanced inkjet printing system
- Advanced multi thermal evaporator with thickness monitoring
- Sputtering system with thickness monitoring
- Advanced 3D materials printer
- Cooling Ultracentrifuge up to 30K rpm
- Tube furnace chemical vapor deposition system up to 1700 degree C
- Grinding ball milling system
- Plasma Auto glow system for surface treatment (up to 300W)
- Electrospinning system
- Laser cutter system
- Fume Hood
- Automated film casting tool
- Dead end cells for low and high pressure permeability measurements
- Cross flow system (up to 35 bar)
- Advanced UV box with different bulbs
- Electrochemical anodization system
- Ultrasonic horn
- Advanced spin coater
- Dip coater
- Rotary evaporator
- Ultrasonic bath& Ultrasonic homogenizer
- pH/conductivity meter
- COD analysis system
- Turbidity meter
- Two chillers
- Water distiller (4 l/h)
- Set of hot plates & stirrers & balances
- Set of different ovens (vacuum oven, Muffle furnace up to 1100 degree C)
- FDM 3D printer+ Insulation box
- DLP 3D printer
- FDM 3D printer
- Freeze Dryer
- Ultramicrotome
- Muffle Oven